10 Most Popular Myths About Dogs



10 Most Popular Myths About Dogs

Myth # 1
Your Dog Will Die If He Eats Chocolate 

Your Dog would not die by eating chocolate.Chocolate is not a healthy thing to feed your dog but it is not poisonous for your dog and will not give him any disease.

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Unknown said...

This post is incorrect. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine that, in the right amount, is FATAL to your dog. One Hershey's Kiss isn't going to be problem, however if your dog consumes enough theobromine it causes a host of problems and in the right volume can lead to death. Every type of chocolate contains a different amount of theobromine. With milk chocolate containing the least and baking coco containing the most. If your dog's does consume chocolate and you are not sure if it would be enough to harm you pet call your local veterinarian.

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