Top 10 Best Things You Should Give Your Dog To Eat



We have previously created a list about 10 things your dogs should not eat.There are many human foods that we don't care about feeding our dogs when they are around us.Not all of them are healthy but on the other side not all of them are fatal.However some of them can be pretty healthy for your dogs.Here is the list for top 10 things your should share with your dog while eating.


# 10
Swiss Chard 
Swis Chard is a green leafy vegetable mostly used in Midetarranean foods.Swiss Chard has less calories and is useful to provide iron which keeps your dog healthy by increasing the blood flow and keeps them light and healthy.Swiss Chard can be given to dogs in many ways but the best way is to boil it and after that you can feed your dog boiled Swiss Chard and also give them the water left to feed them.

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Unknown said...

Ha ha. Yet another photo of yet another dog not eating... whatever. Thanks for the laughs.

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